

News about
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
21 Apr 2023, 01:53
Dev 1 tells me he has finished testing his liquidator. I asked him if Tuesday (Anzac Day) is looking good. His response, "Yep."
Dev 1 tells me he has finished testing his liquidator. I asked him if Tuesday (Anzac Day) is looking good. His response, "Yep.
Dev 1 tells me he has finished testing his liquidator. I asked him if Tuesday (Anzac Day) is looking good. His response, "Yep."
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
19 Apr 2023, 02:43
“They shall grow not bags, as we that are left grow massive bags; yield shall not weary them, nor the phees condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.” Lest we Jeet
"They shall grow not bags, as we that are left grow massive bags. yield shall not weary them, nor the phees condemn.
“They shall grow not bags, as we that are left grow massive bags; yield shall not weary them, nor the phees condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.” Lest we Jeet
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
18 Apr 2023, 04:18
Just had lunch with the dev team. Dev 1 still making tweaks to Liquidation Bots and very minor ones to UI. Expects this done in the next 24 hours. Then we will start testing as a team internally with live money. I’m targeting Anzac Day, Tuesday the 25th to make this live and available to you all. It could be sooner. Lest we Jeet.
Just had lunch with the dev team. Dev 1 still making tweaks to Liquidation Bots and very minor ones to UI.
Just had lunch with the dev team. Dev 1 still making tweaks to Liquidation Bots and very minor ones to UI. Expects this done in the next 24 hours. Then we will start testing as a team internally with live money. I’m targeting Anzac Day, Tuesday the 25th to make this live and available to you all. It could be sooner. Lest we Jeet.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
17 Apr 2023, 05:07
OTC SCAM: Just explaining this scam so that none of you fall for it. We do not want any of you (especially whales and sharks) falling for this as it can very badly impact us. I had the help of @threeErrorsCapital to help me sniff this one out. An affable agreeable person will DM you saying they are looking to do an OTC deal at spot price. They will agree to doing an amount with you and then ask you to do a smaller real OTC deal to build up trust. They will ask if you have wintermute accounts or other escrow services. They will offer to hook you up with other OTC people. When they do the smaller real OTC deal they will also send you fake DAI as well hoping you will interact with it or get confused so they can empty your wallet. Once the first smaller real OTC deal takes place they will then say they want to bring a trusted third party. Someone YOU trust. Not even their guy. This is so they can create a fake account and spoof being your friend. They will send DAI to this fake friends account. You will be able to see it and think its your friend. You will then send your tokens to this fake friend. It is not your friend. They will also try and confuse you by speaking to you on discord or telegram or other places. This is to take your eye off the ball. If someone wants to do an OTC buy deal i suggest coming directly to me. Do not trust anyone that doesn't have their reputation on the line.
OTC SCAM: Just explaining this scam so that none of you fall for it.
OTC SCAM: Just explaining this scam so that none of you fall for it. We do not want any of you (especially whales and sharks) falling for this as it can very badly impact us. I had the help of @threeErrorsCapital to help me sniff this one out. An affable agreeable person will DM you saying they are looking to do an OTC deal at spot price. They will agree to doing an amount with you and then ask you to do a smaller real OTC deal to build up trust. They will ask if you have wintermute accounts or other escrow services. They will offer to hook you up with other OTC people. When they do the smaller real OTC deal they will also send you fake DAI as well hoping you will interact with it or get confused so they can empty your wallet. Once the first smaller real OTC deal takes place they will then say they want to bring a trusted third party. Someone YOU trust. Not even their guy. This is so they can create a fake account and spoof being your friend. They will send DAI to this fake friends account. You will be able to see it and think its your friend. You will then send your tokens to this fake friend. It is not your friend. They will also try and confuse you by speaking to you on discord or telegram or other places. This is to take your eye off the ball. If someone wants to do an OTC buy deal i suggest coming directly to me. Do not trust anyone that doesn't have their reputation on the line.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
16 Apr 2023, 02:41
Just an update on ephiat launch. The UI part is done and now uploaded to IFPS. Internally I’ll be playing with that today. I I believe dev 1 is now working on implementing liquidation bots. Marching ahead. Be patient. But it’s not too far away.
Just an update on ephiat launch. The UI part is done and now uploaded to IFPS. Internally I'll be playing with that today.
Just an update on ephiat launch. The UI part is done and now uploaded to IFPS. Internally I’ll be playing with that today. I I believe dev 1 is now working on implementing liquidation bots. Marching ahead. Be patient. But it’s not too far away.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
14 Apr 2023, 03:59
I love lending protocols, but I'm orgasmic about lending protocols run by people who understand tokenomics, value creation & business. Everything from the sac, to investor comms, to transparency has been professional & carefully calibrated, and that's one of the reasons why people have had so much confidence in the product from the very start. Just wait until the protocol launches.
I love lending protocols, but I'm orgasmic about lending protocols run by people who understand tokenomics, value creation & bus
I love lending protocols, but I'm orgasmic about lending protocols run by people who understand tokenomics, value creation & business. Everything from the sac, to investor comms, to transparency has been professional & carefully calibrated, and that's one of the reasons why people have had so much confidence in the product from the very start. Just wait until the protocol launches.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
13 Apr 2023, 22:39
The PHAME sac will make a very small position in ePHIAT & WBTC. This is to give us flexibility (buy and sell) in providing LP & TVL in the future on our platforms (PHIAT & PHUX). More buys and sells in the future may or may not occur from time to time. These are not intended to dramatically move price of the tokens we buy and sell and will always be done with caution and transparency. Do not interpret a buy or sell trade as an indicator of strong belief or disbelief in a token. We see most tokens in this ecosystem as highly correlated in any case and we are generally risk on at the moment. These trades are conducted by the core team. Interns are never aware of them before they happen. We will be net buyers of ePHIAT out of treasury and sac wallets for the foreseeable future. If that were to change we will notify you all.
The PHAME sac will make a very small position in ePHIAT & WBTC.
The PHAME sac will make a very small position in ePHIAT & WBTC. This is to give us flexibility (buy and sell) in providing LP & TVL in the future on our platforms (PHIAT & PHUX). More buys and sells in the future may or may not occur from time to time. These are not intended to dramatically move price of the tokens we buy and sell and will always be done with caution and transparency. Do not interpret a buy or sell trade as an indicator of strong belief or disbelief in a token. We see most tokens in this ecosystem as highly correlated in any case and we are generally risk on at the moment. These trades are conducted by the core team. Interns are never aware of them before they happen. We will be net buyers of ePHIAT out of treasury and sac wallets for the foreseeable future. If that were to change we will notify you all.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
11 Apr 2023, 23:34
Auditors have completed their preliminary audits long time ago. All the progress information is public. We use Certik and Solidity Finance. They are now reviewing our deployed contracts (with all key contracts addresses yes) as the last step to finalize everything. The confidence should come from that the protocol is the first working protocol ever launched on pulsechain testnet and been running for almost entire year & and is built on battle tested blue chip defi protocol from eth mainnet. How many exploits or hacks are prevented by auditors. Nonetheless both auditors have been happy with our work.
Auditors have completed their preliminary audits long time ago. All the progress information is public.
Auditors have completed their preliminary audits long time ago. All the progress information is public. We use Certik and Solidity Finance. They are now reviewing our deployed contracts (with all key contracts addresses yes) as the last step to finalize everything. The confidence should come from that the protocol is the first working protocol ever launched on pulsechain testnet and been running for almost entire year & and is built on battle tested blue chip defi protocol from eth mainnet. How many exploits or hacks are prevented by auditors. Nonetheless both auditors have been happy with our work.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
11 Apr 2023, 22:22
Update on ePHIAT protocol launch: April 12, 2023 Protocol has been launched last week. It is paused so you can't do any fuckery. UI is now connected. We have implemented various governance things. We now have a price for for ePHIAT. Dev 1 is currently working through zapping various eth specific UI issues. E.G. getting the right of zeros to show on Hedron or the right amount of decimals for Shiba. B.S. like that. Updating disclaimers part of that. He will move on to liquidation bots shortly. The team (including me) will have a look at the UI then. I'll provide an update again once more progress has been made. I don't believe in tacky snap launches. So quit expecting that.
Update on ePHIAT protocol launch: April 12, 2023. Protocol has been launched last week.
Update on ePHIAT protocol launch: April 12, 2023 Protocol has been launched last week. It is paused so you can't do any fuckery. UI is now connected. We have implemented various governance things. We now have a price for for ePHIAT. Dev 1 is currently working through zapping various eth specific UI issues. E.G. getting the right of zeros to show on Hedron or the right amount of decimals for Shiba. B.S. like that. Updating disclaimers part of that. He will move on to liquidation bots shortly. The team (including me) will have a look at the UI then. I'll provide an update again once more progress has been made. I don't believe in tacky snap launches. So quit expecting that.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
11 Apr 2023, 01:44
Ok so new policy on minting issues. From now on we will refer you to !dumb and !etherscan. We will mute you and ask you to DM the boys with your transaction address. If you are a scammer there is no fucking way you are getting anything. It’s already final in the contract and we know the numbers are solid.
Ok so new policy on minting issues. From now on we will refer you to . dumb and . etherscan.
Ok so new policy on minting issues. From now on we will refer you to !dumb and !etherscan. We will mute you and ask you to DM the boys with your transaction address. If you are a scammer there is no fucking way you are getting anything. It’s already final in the contract and we know the numbers are solid.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
10 Apr 2023, 06:02
Note we have minted .5% from the treeasury. This will be used to two side LP on a few pairs we are setting up. We will not sell anything. Hex, Hdrn, PLSD
Note we have minted . 5% from the treeasury. This will be used to two side LP on a few pairs we are setting up.
Note we have minted .5% from the treeasury. This will be used to two side LP on a few pairs we are setting up. We will not sell anything. Hex, Hdrn, PLSD
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
10 Apr 2023, 04:09
This is a video tutorial on how to mint your ePHIAT via etherscan. COPY THIS LINK/CLICK
This is a video tutorial on how to mint your ePHIAT via etherscan. COPY THIS LINK/CLICK.
This is a video tutorial on how to mint your ePHIAT via etherscan. COPY THIS LINK/CLICK
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
09 Apr 2023, 07:57
ePHIAT contract address: 0xE9F721E7419423f11863e83DbD710b5D6127b5b0 MINT: ePHIAT Mint: SWAP: Uniswap: Uniswap App Uniswap Alex [HDRN] Front end INFO/POOLS: Uniswap: ePHIAT info Etherscan: ePHIAT CHARTS: Dex Tools: Chart Dex Guru: Chart Dex Screener: Chart TradingView: Chart AUDITS: Certik: Audit Report Solidity: Audit Report EPHIAT IS ETHEREUM MAINNET ONLY. ALL OTHER CHAINS ARE SCAMS. TRIPLE CHECK CONTRACT ADDRESS BEFORE DOING ANYTHING.
ePHIAT contract address: 0xE9F721E7419423f11863e83DbD710b5D6127b5b0. MINT:. ePHIAT Mint:. SWAP:. Uniswap: Uniswap App.
ePHIAT contract address: 0xE9F721E7419423f11863e83DbD710b5D6127b5b0 MINT: ePHIAT Mint: SWAP: Uniswap: Uniswap App Uniswap Alex [HDRN] Front end INFO/POOLS: Uniswap: ePHIAT info Etherscan: ePHIAT CHARTS: Dex Tools: Chart Dex Guru: Chart Dex Screener: Chart TradingView: Chart AUDITS: Certik: Audit Report Solidity: Audit Report EPHIAT IS ETHEREUM MAINNET ONLY. ALL OTHER CHAINS ARE SCAMS. TRIPLE CHECK CONTRACT ADDRESS BEFORE DOING ANYTHING.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
07 Apr 2023, 21:00
ePHIAT contract address: 0xE9F721E7419423f11863e83DbD710b5D6127b5b0 MINT: ePHIAT Mint: SWAP: Uniswap: Uniswap App Uniswap Alex [HDRN] Front end INFO/POOLS: Uniswap: ePHIAT info Etherscan: ePHIAT AUDITS: Certik: Audit Report Solidity: Audit Report EPHIAT IS ETHEREUM MAINNET ONLY. ALL OTHER CHAINS ARE SCAMS. TRIPLE CHECK CONTRACT ADDRESS BEFORE DOING ANYTHING.
ePHIAT contract address: 0xE9F721E7419423f11863e83DbD710b5D6127b5b0. MINT:. ePHIAT Mint:. SWAP:. Uniswap: Uniswap App.
ePHIAT contract address: 0xE9F721E7419423f11863e83DbD710b5D6127b5b0 MINT: ePHIAT Mint: SWAP: Uniswap: Uniswap App Uniswap Alex [HDRN] Front end INFO/POOLS: Uniswap: ePHIAT info Etherscan: ePHIAT AUDITS: Certik: Audit Report Solidity: Audit Report EPHIAT IS ETHEREUM MAINNET ONLY. ALL OTHER CHAINS ARE SCAMS. TRIPLE CHECK CONTRACT ADDRESS BEFORE DOING ANYTHING.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
06 Apr 2023, 21:28
Guys, be careful when the tokens start trading. It will be very volatile at first most likely and liquidity will be thin. The PHIAT team will not be intervening in any meaningful way in LP initially. If you don't know what you are doing, the safest thing to do is most likely nothing. You have 365 days to claim.
Guys, be careful when the tokens start trading. It will be very volatile at first most likely and liquidity will be thin.
Guys, be careful when the tokens start trading. It will be very volatile at first most likely and liquidity will be thin. The PHIAT team will not be intervening in any meaningful way in LP initially. If you don't know what you are doing, the safest thing to do is most likely nothing. You have 365 days to claim.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
06 Apr 2023, 12:55
So I’m on a call with the Phiat dev team. We will be working all Easter long weekend again this year. Everything going smoothly. Dev 1 was down earlier in the week on sick leave but back in action again. Discussing our initial settings. I’m encouraging them to make settings competitive vs AAVE to encourage TVL at first. Remember we can then ratchet up fees later!
So I'm on a call with the Phiat dev team. We will be working all Easter long weekend again this year.
So I’m on a call with the Phiat dev team. We will be working all Easter long weekend again this year. Everything going smoothly. Dev 1 was down earlier in the week on sick leave but back in action again. Discussing our initial settings. I’m encouraging them to make settings competitive vs AAVE to encourage TVL at first. Remember we can then ratchet up fees later!
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
03 Apr 2023, 13:30
Hi all. Just got off a call with Dev 1 and 2. Token launch is a go for this week as scheduled. Plan as described in the pins above is occurring in the background. Good Friday/Holy Saturday launch is a happy coincidence. It was on Easter weekend last year when Dev 1 first went to work on forking the AAVE Code and made the first functional demo on Pulsechain V2b. Pulsechain was only 14 days away at that stage. The lesson of Christ’s crucifixion is a reminder of sacrifice (real sacrifice) and suffering. His subsequent resurrection a new beginning for humanity. It is a triumph of love over revenge and good over evil. We have all sacrificed and suffered much this past year in crypto and Hexico, but it’s important to remember that someone suffered far more for us and our sins. But we are the lucky ones. It is the Hex shorters that will soon learn of true suffering. Good will triumph over evil again. Those pagan Hex shorters do not stand a chance against us. “Stop doubting and believe”
Hi all. Just got off a call with Dev 1 and 2. Token launch is a go for this week as scheduled.
Hi all. Just got off a call with Dev 1 and 2. Token launch is a go for this week as scheduled. Plan as described in the pins above is occurring in the background. Good Friday/Holy Saturday launch is a happy coincidence. It was on Easter weekend last year when Dev 1 first went to work on forking the AAVE Code and made the first functional demo on Pulsechain V2b. Pulsechain was only 14 days away at that stage. The lesson of Christ’s crucifixion is a reminder of sacrifice (real sacrifice) and suffering. His subsequent resurrection a new beginning for humanity. It is a triumph of love over revenge and good over evil. We have all sacrificed and suffered much this past year in crypto and Hexico, but it’s important to remember that someone suffered far more for us and our sins. But we are the lucky ones. It is the Hex shorters that will soon learn of true suffering. Good will triumph over evil again. Those pagan Hex shorters do not stand a chance against us. “Stop doubting and believe”
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
01 Apr 2023, 20:34 telegram news 01 April 2023 20:34
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
29 Mar 2023, 03:26
So we have done a scan of the sac addresses. It turns out none of you are terrorists, North Koreans, nor are you banned because of anything evil. Good job. We also know that none of you are American because you read the sac rules.
So we have done a scan of the sac addresses.
So we have done a scan of the sac addresses. It turns out none of you are terrorists, North Koreans, nor are you banned because of anything evil. Good job. We also know that none of you are American because you read the sac rules.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
21 Mar 2023, 12:41
Guys @threeErrorsCapital has updated balances again. Have a look. Probably won’t change for the majority of you.
Guys @threeErrorsCapital has updated balances again. Have a look. Probably won't change for the majority of you.
Guys @threeErrorsCapital has updated balances again. Have a look. Probably won’t change for the majority of you.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
17 Mar 2023, 12:26
Hi all I just had long call with the team. PHIAT - is moving along well. We have completed the audits (we merely need to say it’s good go on our end). From an engineering perspective Dev 1 does not really have anything to solve. So timing wise the main events will begin towards the end of this month barring any unforeseen issues. Do not ask for a date. I will mute anyone who does on sight. On the call, we discussed nuances of how we might run the issuance at length. The idea here is just to be as orderly safe as possible. In short, it will be a mint on Phatty. There will be a multistage process where we effectively lock the numbers on the block chain so we can all verify it and make sure the checker matches what’s on the blockchain. Then we push go and you can mint. You will have 365 days to mint ePHIAT if you fail to do this it will be absorbed by the treasury. So don’t forget to mint! Separate to the tech side of things we are working through a bunch of other things (EG taking additional legal advice which we will not discuss but you can be assured we have the best possible advice money can buy on how to run this and are comfortable). Besides that there are various other little things for us to consider. We have engaged a consultant to try and improve on a few things (just to see if they can). This doesn't prevent us from launching as it is things that can be implemented afterwards. One hurdle is a number of people trying to scam that we have to take seriously. We continue to make progress on Phatty as you’ve seen the latest updates. Our PHUX/Balancer fork is more or less complete. We need to do things like finalize the tokenomics and think about things specific to how we will it. On the Phamous front we have a dev working through various UI and subgraph things in order to not let that slow us down later. We will continue to update you as we progress. You will not get a snap launch so don’t even fucking begin to worry about that. We will telegraph things slowly and deliberately (as we are doing here). -Buck and PH Team
Hi all I just had long call with the team. PHIAT - is moving along well.
Hi all I just had long call with the team. PHIAT - is moving along well. We have completed the audits (we merely need to say it’s good go on our end). From an engineering perspective Dev 1 does not really have anything to solve. So timing wise the main events will begin towards the end of this month barring any unforeseen issues. Do not ask for a date. I will mute anyone who does on sight. On the call, we discussed nuances of how we might run the issuance at length. The idea here is just to be as orderly safe as possible. In short, it will be a mint on Phatty. There will be a multistage process where we effectively lock the numbers on the block chain so we can all verify it and make sure the checker matches what’s on the blockchain. Then we push go and you can mint. You will have 365 days to mint ePHIAT if you fail to do this it will be absorbed by the treasury. So don’t forget to mint! Separate to the tech side of things we are working through a bunch of other things (EG taking additional legal advice which we will not discuss but you can be assured we have the best possible advice money can buy on how to run this and are comfortable). Besides that there are various other little things for us to consider. We have engaged a consultant to try and improve on a few things (just to see if they can). This doesn't prevent us from launching as it is things that can be implemented afterwards. One hurdle is a number of people trying to scam that we have to take seriously. We continue to make progress on Phatty as you’ve seen the latest updates. Our PHUX/Balancer fork is more or less complete. We need to do things like finalize the tokenomics and think about things specific to how we will it. On the Phamous front we have a dev working through various UI and subgraph things in order to not let that slow us down later. We will continue to update you as we progress. You will not get a snap launch so don’t even fucking begin to worry about that. We will telegraph things slowly and deliberately (as we are doing here). -Buck and PH Team
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
15 Mar 2023, 17:51
as we approach ePhiat (whenever that may be), its important to remember to be extra cautious of individuals who send you direct messages or spam call you. please note that no one from the PH team or admin will ever initiate a direct message. this is just a friendly reminder to stay vigilant phamily
as we approach ePhiat (whenever that may be), its important to remember to be extra cautious of individuals who send you direct
as we approach ePhiat (whenever that may be), its important to remember to be extra cautious of individuals who send you direct messages or spam call you. please note that no one from the PH team or admin will ever initiate a direct message. this is just a friendly reminder to stay vigilant phamily
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
12 Mar 2023, 23:04
Hi guys. Errors has posted latest sac numbers. You can see them in checker. We are working through a few edge cases. Eg people who fucked up and sent to wrong address or had their wallets compromised. If you have any issues now I’d the time to get in touch with @threeErrorsCapital about them. We will lock these balances up for good in the coming week or so and get ready for issuance.
Hi guys. Errors has posted latest sac numbers. You can see them in checker. We are working through a few edge cases.
Hi guys. Errors has posted latest sac numbers. You can see them in checker. We are working through a few edge cases. Eg people who fucked up and sent to wrong address or had their wallets compromised. If you have any issues now I’d the time to get in touch with @threeErrorsCapital about them. We will lock these balances up for good in the coming week or so and get ready for issuance.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
04 Mar 2023, 21:17
So Dev 1 is writing up responses to solidity finance and will implement one or two minor changes they suggested. He’s been working on a few eth specific UI changes. He’s working through a checklist of things. No real issues there just things to to be completed. As planned we will close the phamous sac tomorrow. Dev 2 (errrors) will cut the first draft of numbers and publish to phatty. We will all fine tooth comb that. Then you’ll have token issuance and mainnet launch in due order.
So Dev 1 is writing up responses to solidity finance and will implement one or two minor changes they suggested.
So Dev 1 is writing up responses to solidity finance and will implement one or two minor changes they suggested. He’s been working on a few eth specific UI changes. He’s working through a checklist of things. No real issues there just things to to be completed. As planned we will close the phamous sac tomorrow. Dev 2 (errrors) will cut the first draft of numbers and publish to phatty. We will all fine tooth comb that. Then you’ll have token issuance and mainnet launch in due order.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
03 Mar 2023, 04:20
reminder the meme comp is ending, winners should be announced shortly post all last minute entries in:
reminder the meme comp is ending, winners should be announced shortly. post all last minute entries in:.
reminder the meme comp is ending, winners should be announced shortly post all last minute entries in:
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
22 Feb 2023, 04:00
Hi All I had lunch with the dev team just now. Phiat is up and functional on eth testnet. Dev 1 doing various testing. All moving swimmingly. On the audit front we have responded to Certik preliminary questions and are awaiting more feedback. Solidity Finance hasn’t come back with any feedback yet. Things basically looking good. Will be ready when the boys are satisfied but we don’t really have many concerns at this stage. Will let the audits finish, get published. Simultaneously we will wind down the sacrifice at the end of this month. Lock in balances. Then it’s issuance and mainnet before too long. No date yet. Stop asking me for that. But once the audits are official and you guys have had a chance to poke holes we will set one.
Hi All. I had lunch with the dev team just now. Phiat is up and functional on eth testnet. Dev 1 doing various testing.
Hi All I had lunch with the dev team just now. Phiat is up and functional on eth testnet. Dev 1 doing various testing. All moving swimmingly. On the audit front we have responded to Certik preliminary questions and are awaiting more feedback. Solidity Finance hasn’t come back with any feedback yet. Things basically looking good. Will be ready when the boys are satisfied but we don’t really have many concerns at this stage. Will let the audits finish, get published. Simultaneously we will wind down the sacrifice at the end of this month. Lock in balances. Then it’s issuance and mainnet before too long. No date yet. Stop asking me for that. But once the audits are official and you guys have had a chance to poke holes we will set one.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
19 Feb 2023, 12:35
Hi all I had a team call with devs 1 and dev 2 to go over the phiat audit and other things. The audit appears to be going quite well. I don’t anticipate any big hurdles or new work that needs to come from it. So this means we should start to think about getting the ball rolling on ephiat in the coming weeks. At this stage (given no new issues from the audit discovered) it seems a high likelihood that the sac will be closed at the end of the month plus or minus a few days. We will do this because we need to finalise the numbers for the ephiat token. Once we are done refereeing that we will then look to issuing the tokens. Dev 1 has requested that we do this before the protocol is launched. Can be done just before or a well before. I will give you guys more concrete notice on closing the sac but as I said expect it to end around the end of the month. Q1 target appears to be very much achievable with three weeks from now being the earliest we would launch.
Hi all. I had a team call with devs 1 and dev 2 to go over the phiat audit and other things.
Hi all I had a team call with devs 1 and dev 2 to go over the phiat audit and other things. The audit appears to be going quite well. I don’t anticipate any big hurdles or new work that needs to come from it. So this means we should start to think about getting the ball rolling on ephiat in the coming weeks. At this stage (given no new issues from the audit discovered) it seems a high likelihood that the sac will be closed at the end of the month plus or minus a few days. We will do this because we need to finalise the numbers for the ephiat token. Once we are done refereeing that we will then look to issuing the tokens. Dev 1 has requested that we do this before the protocol is launched. Can be done just before or a well before. I will give you guys more concrete notice on closing the sac but as I said expect it to end around the end of the month. Q1 target appears to be very much achievable with three weeks from now being the earliest we would launch.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
17 Feb 2023, 00:07
Hi all, pleasingly the preliminary report for Phiat from certik doesn’t show any critical issues. It makes some good suggestions and points out some risks as you would expect. Dev 1 already at work addressing some minor things. So far we are pretty pleased with how the audit is going.
Hi all, pleasingly the preliminary report for Phiat from certik doesn't show any critical issues.
Hi all, pleasingly the preliminary report for Phiat from certik doesn’t show any critical issues. It makes some good suggestions and points out some risks as you would expect. Dev 1 already at work addressing some minor things. So far we are pretty pleased with how the audit is going.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
08 Feb 2023, 06:05
Hi all, I had lunch with the dev team today. Audits are underway with Certik and solidity for Phiat. Dev 1 is working on eth oracles and eth testnet. He will likely have that up and running this week. Might not bother making it public as eth test net doesn’t have the coins like Pulsechain testnet does. We now have three external devs involved in various non core functions. Two are working on phatty and one on PH3 which is running for internal testing. I will very likely close the Early Bird Sac this month. If nothing adverse is found in the audit we will be launching on mainnet privately towards the end of the month. Will update you as we get feedback on the audits which is the key thing that could slow us down at this stage. Q1 odds looking quite high now.
Hi all, I had lunch with the dev team today. Audits are underway with Certik and solidity for Phiat.
Hi all, I had lunch with the dev team today. Audits are underway with Certik and solidity for Phiat. Dev 1 is working on eth oracles and eth testnet. He will likely have that up and running this week. Might not bother making it public as eth test net doesn’t have the coins like Pulsechain testnet does. We now have three external devs involved in various non core functions. Two are working on phatty and one on PH3 which is running for internal testing. I will very likely close the Early Bird Sac this month. If nothing adverse is found in the audit we will be launching on mainnet privately towards the end of the month. Will update you as we get feedback on the audits which is the key thing that could slow us down at this stage. Q1 odds looking quite high now.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
04 Feb 2023, 02:04
Hi all, the first two audits for Phiat are being performed by Certik and Solidty Finance.
Hi all, the first two audits for Phiat are being performed by Certik and Solidty Finance.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
02 Feb 2023, 07:24
Hi All The devs are hard at work. Audits are in train. There are multiple streams of work being performed currently with Dev 1s focus 100% on ePhiat currently. We will update you guys on this as we get more info. First audit is a large well known audit firm. We will do at least two. I am expecting a bit of personal disruption for myself so if I don’t respond to a DM don’t take it personally. @threeErrorsCapital is in charge of any hard questions and the client service intern team @HEXistany and Un are available 24/7.
Hi All. The devs are hard at work. Audits are in train.
Hi All The devs are hard at work. Audits are in train. There are multiple streams of work being performed currently with Dev 1s focus 100% on ePhiat currently. We will update you guys on this as we get more info. First audit is a large well known audit firm. We will do at least two. I am expecting a bit of personal disruption for myself so if I don’t respond to a DM don’t take it personally. @threeErrorsCapital is in charge of any hard questions and the client service intern team @HEXistany and Un are available 24/7.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
30 Jan 2023, 11:37 telegram news 30 January 2023 11:37
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
30 Jan 2023, 02:24
Hi All We have just pushed phiat v4 live. Direct link is Please have a look. We will switch over in a day or two on the website. Please let @threeErrorsCapital know if any issues . Notes on changes: - modified all reserve limits so that they are based on native tokens rather than PLS; we will get better protection this way when price is crashing - added a minimum deposit limit to avoid people abusing the protocol (bots) - added an option for anyone (mainly team) to repay a user's bad debt and block him/her forever (so that we can make depositor whole in a shortfall event) - simplified flash loans so that user must pay back in same block - implemented multisig and timelock for better protocol governance Audit + Eth testnet next and then ETH mainnet -PH Team
Hi All. We have just pushed phiat v4 live. Direct link is. Please have a look.
Hi All We have just pushed phiat v4 live. Direct link is Please have a look. We will switch over in a day or two on the website. Please let @threeErrorsCapital know if any issues . Notes on changes: - modified all reserve limits so that they are based on native tokens rather than PLS; we will get better protection this way when price is crashing - added a minimum deposit limit to avoid people abusing the protocol (bots) - added an option for anyone (mainly team) to repay a user's bad debt and block him/her forever (so that we can make depositor whole in a shortfall event) - simplified flash loans so that user must pay back in same block - implemented multisig and timelock for better protocol governance Audit + Eth testnet next and then ETH mainnet -PH Team
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
27 Jan 2023, 03:36 telegram news 27 January 2023 03:36
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
24 Jan 2023, 05:44
Hi all, I had lunch with Dev 1 today. He has deployed V4 to pulsechain testnet and is just finishing a few UI related things. We will be able to play with that in a few days once Dev 2 points the website to it. This is complete however already from our perspective. Dev 1 is now going to focus on eth testnet. We believe the code is now final and will send to audit. Still very much on target for Q1.
Hi all, I had lunch with Dev 1 today. He has deployed V4 to pulsechain testnet and is just finishing a few UI related things.
Hi all, I had lunch with Dev 1 today. He has deployed V4 to pulsechain testnet and is just finishing a few UI related things. We will be able to play with that in a few days once Dev 2 points the website to it. This is complete however already from our perspective. Dev 1 is now going to focus on eth testnet. We believe the code is now final and will send to audit. Still very much on target for Q1.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
21 Jan 2023, 01:38
Hi all, Dev 1 is expecting to launch phiat v4 soon. He is advising you to begin to withdraw your phsac and other tokens from V3 if you want to use v4. Thanks Phiat Team
Hi all,. Dev 1 is expecting to launch phiat v4 soon.
Hi all, Dev 1 is expecting to launch phiat v4 soon. He is advising you to begin to withdraw your phsac and other tokens from V3 if you want to use v4. Thanks Phiat Team
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
18 Jan 2023, 18:57
Hi all, we will deploy a v4 of Phiat with additional safety measures. We have confidence now that this will make our version of Phiat much safer than Aave V2 and even superior to Aave V3 in some ways. We will explain the technical aspects of these in the coming days. I’ve asked Dev 1 to do a write up on what he has done to mitigate shortfall risk beyond what we have already done in V3. He will likely deploy first and do the write-up later. These enhancements are essential in giving us the flexibility to list things like Hex and Hedron while also being able to be quite confident that we can manage the risk inherent to their volatility. We also believe this will come in even handier on pulsechain. This V4 is very likely to be a final version according to dev 1. We will send it to audit. Launch on eth testnet and then launch a limited/private version on ethereum mainnet. Timing wise Q1 looking quite good unless there are adverse findings in the audits (which given we have really only made things stricter is unlikely). I have reiterated to the devs the importance of timeliness and and they fully appreciate it. Balancing that though, I do want things to be done properly so I do encourage them not to cut corners which they also appreciate and I have told them that you all definitely would rather wait a little than have it done wrong. If I had to guess I would say late February is looking very manageable. But that is just a guess. As we get closer the rest of us will start to think about how we can get more users interested. We will start to do some calls etc. While pulsechain delays are frustrating we have been using them to our advantage and we definitely be better for it from a PH Team perspective.
Hi all, we will deploy a v4 of Phiat with additional safety measures.
Hi all, we will deploy a v4 of Phiat with additional safety measures. We have confidence now that this will make our version of Phiat much safer than Aave V2 and even superior to Aave V3 in some ways. We will explain the technical aspects of these in the coming days. I’ve asked Dev 1 to do a write up on what he has done to mitigate shortfall risk beyond what we have already done in V3. He will likely deploy first and do the write-up later. These enhancements are essential in giving us the flexibility to list things like Hex and Hedron while also being able to be quite confident that we can manage the risk inherent to their volatility. We also believe this will come in even handier on pulsechain. This V4 is very likely to be a final version according to dev 1. We will send it to audit. Launch on eth testnet and then launch a limited/private version on ethereum mainnet. Timing wise Q1 looking quite good unless there are adverse findings in the audits (which given we have really only made things stricter is unlikely). I have reiterated to the devs the importance of timeliness and and they fully appreciate it. Balancing that though, I do want things to be done properly so I do encourage them not to cut corners which they also appreciate and I have told them that you all definitely would rather wait a little than have it done wrong. If I had to guess I would say late February is looking very manageable. But that is just a guess. As we get closer the rest of us will start to think about how we can get more users interested. We will start to do some calls etc. While pulsechain delays are frustrating we have been using them to our advantage and we definitely be better for it from a PH Team perspective.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
09 Nov 2022, 11:36
Hi guys, PHIAT-v3 on pulseChain-testnet-v2 has been deployed and you can access via and click "Launch App" or simply go to major change of v2=>v3 is that we added additional risk parameters on certain tokens (both protocol and UI) as part of the effort to continuously improve the resilience of the platform. Please test it out and let us know if you find any bug or have suggestions. Old version can still be accessed “” but will be retired soon. Thanks for your support and stay SAFU out there !!
Hi guys, PHIAT-v3 on pulseChain-testnet-v2 has been deployed and you can access via and click "Launch App" or simply go to.
Hi guys, PHIAT-v3 on pulseChain-testnet-v2 has been deployed and you can access via and click "Launch App" or simply go to major change of v2=>v3 is that we added additional risk parameters on certain tokens (both protocol and UI) as part of the effort to continuously improve the resilience of the platform. Please test it out and let us know if you find any bug or have suggestions. Old version can still be accessed “” but will be retired soon. Thanks for your support and stay SAFU out there !!
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
30 Oct 2022, 23:23
Hi All, the devs have handed over v3 to test from a client perspective. It all seems good to me. I’ll be writing up some notes to explain the enhancements which focus around risk management specific to the Hex universe that we have made and will be sharing the V3 with you guys in the coming days. Don’t forget to begin to withdraw your PHSAC if you care. We will be sending code off to audits now.
Hi All, the devs have handed over v3 to test from a client perspective. It all seems good to me.
Hi All, the devs have handed over v3 to test from a client perspective. It all seems good to me. I’ll be writing up some notes to explain the enhancements which focus around risk management specific to the Hex universe that we have made and will be sharing the V3 with you guys in the coming days. Don’t forget to begin to withdraw your PHSAC if you care. We will be sending code off to audits now.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
26 Oct 2022, 03:43
Hi all. Had lunch today with Dev 1 and 2. Basically, targeting around two weeks or so before we begin to show and market v3 phiat/ephiat and v1 phamous demo. A sac launch could be about a month away and would be a limited early bird for phamous with some bonus ephiat. That’s a target. Can of course take longer especially if we get no update from Richard. More concrete details coming but for now assume you have a month or so.
Hi all. Had lunch today with Dev 1 and 2.
Hi all. Had lunch today with Dev 1 and 2. Basically, targeting around two weeks or so before we begin to show and market v3 phiat/ephiat and v1 phamous demo. A sac launch could be about a month away and would be a limited early bird for phamous with some bonus ephiat. That’s a target. Can of course take longer especially if we get no update from Richard. More concrete details coming but for now assume you have a month or so.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
06 Oct 2022, 20:56
Phiat Engineering Update: I caught up with Dev 1 for lunch yesterday. Dev 1 has handed the updated Final staking UI to Dev 2 and it will be live any moment now. We have all tested it out and are happy with it for the moment. Dev 1 has deployed the V3 phiat to testnet earlier this week to pulsechain and is now working on changing the UI to account for the code changes to the risk parameters. We suggest you start to withdraw a portion or all of your PHSAC token which you will need to restake onto the V3. Recalling that there is a 2 week cool down window built in. Dev 1 thinks it’s likely he will finish these new V3 UI changes this weekend so timing on V3 being live could be a week or two.
Phiat Engineering Update: I caught up with Dev 1 for lunch yesterday.
Phiat Engineering Update: I caught up with Dev 1 for lunch yesterday. Dev 1 has handed the updated Final staking UI to Dev 2 and it will be live any moment now. We have all tested it out and are happy with it for the moment. Dev 1 has deployed the V3 phiat to testnet earlier this week to pulsechain and is now working on changing the UI to account for the code changes to the risk parameters. We suggest you start to withdraw a portion or all of your PHSAC token which you will need to restake onto the V3. Recalling that there is a 2 week cool down window built in. Dev 1 thinks it’s likely he will finish these new V3 UI changes this weekend so timing on V3 being live could be a week or two.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
04 Oct 2022, 22:46
Hi all, can you get me good quality PNGs for your favourite tokens you would like to see on I’m after USDL, Xen, Maxi tokens etc. please paste in here as a file and AT me - thanks
Hi all, can you get me good quality PNGs for your favourite tokens you would like to see on Phiat.
Hi all, can you get me good quality PNGs for your favourite tokens you would like to see on I’m after USDL, Xen, Maxi tokens etc. please paste in here as a file and AT me - thanks
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
29 Sep 2022, 08:15
Phiat Engineering Update: I caught up with Dev 1 today. He’s been making a few more tweeks to UI to showcase the staking benefit of Phiat token and make it really a front and Center feature beyond the staking page. (I’m a fan of if this). We want to get people addicted to staking phiat. Adding in things like sea creatures etc. You will see this in a few days. I told him not to rush as these cosmetic changes are important to you guys. Separately, we noticed that Sifu has launched his own Aave fork on eth 2.0 which we believe helps provide a strategic POC for launching Phiat on main eth chain. We are not certain about this yet. We will monitor things and continue to work towards pulsechain as a priority however assuming Pulsechain launch date is protracted we will likely launch on Eth and using our new prop risk measures be able to onboard things like Hex and even Hedron at least in some limited capacity. Stables, and other major eth coins as well. Likely this would mean a new bonus token for Phiat saccers ePhiat. I will want to discuss this strategy with you all. I suggest we find a good time to have a voice chat. I reiterate nothing is certain on this yet but it appears to be the best direction for us to me if it is feasible from an engineering standpoint. But I’d like your thoughts. Regards BPH
Phiat Engineering Update:. I caught up with Dev 1 today.
Phiat Engineering Update: I caught up with Dev 1 today. He’s been making a few more tweeks to UI to showcase the staking benefit of Phiat token and make it really a front and Center feature beyond the staking page. (I’m a fan of if this). We want to get people addicted to staking phiat. Adding in things like sea creatures etc. You will see this in a few days. I told him not to rush as these cosmetic changes are important to you guys. Separately, we noticed that Sifu has launched his own Aave fork on eth 2.0 which we believe helps provide a strategic POC for launching Phiat on main eth chain. We are not certain about this yet. We will monitor things and continue to work towards pulsechain as a priority however assuming Pulsechain launch date is protracted we will likely launch on Eth and using our new prop risk measures be able to onboard things like Hex and even Hedron at least in some limited capacity. Stables, and other major eth coins as well. Likely this would mean a new bonus token for Phiat saccers ePhiat. I will want to discuss this strategy with you all. I suggest we find a good time to have a voice chat. I reiterate nothing is certain on this yet but it appears to be the best direction for us to me if it is feasible from an engineering standpoint. But I’d like your thoughts. Regards BPH
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
21 Sep 2022, 03:35
Liquidated a $37m Liquid loans vault using to short Pulse.
Liquidated a $37m Liquid loans vault using PHIAT. io to short Pulse.
Liquidated a $37m Liquid loans vault using to short Pulse.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
13 Sep 2022, 06:53
Phiat engineering update: I had lunch again with Dev 1 today. He is done testing the extra risk parameters. He is currently working through UI changes for extra risk parameters, staking, and removing various extraneous things pertinent to ethereum that do not exist yet for Pulsechain. He expects to embed staking into the V2 UI over the next week. The extra risk parameters will come later when V3 is deployed. Ahead of V3 we will make an announcement that we will be pausing V2. If you care you will want to remove your coins at that time. Timing on this is probably a few weeks off. V3 will be a more or less final version of Phiat from a core functionality standpoint. Thereafter we will not maintain V2 as it’s not a good use of our time. Dev 2&3 are currently working on the website landing pages for all three sites. The goal will be to have them up for V3. We are watching the ETH merge like Richard and the rest of you. We will assess the situation in a months time when we estimate that our work with Phiat is essentially finished until v3 of pulsechain or some update is announced. The extra time we have been given be the delay of pulsechain has been very useful. It has allowed us to put in extra safety features that will be unique to our platform and will enable at least limited use of some tokens that could not be otherwise place on AAVE V2. It has allowed us time to work on improving liquidations, work in arb and flash loan bots as well. This is interesting to consider. The demo for phamous is done and live on testnet. We will bring it out when we think the timing is right. Phatty is taking a back seat for the moment as we allocate front end resources to Phiat and it’s website currently. Dev 1 feeling very confident that all is progressing well. What remains is cosmetic.
Phiat engineering update: I had lunch again with Dev 1 today. He is done testing the extra risk parameters.
Phiat engineering update: I had lunch again with Dev 1 today. He is done testing the extra risk parameters. He is currently working through UI changes for extra risk parameters, staking, and removing various extraneous things pertinent to ethereum that do not exist yet for Pulsechain. He expects to embed staking into the V2 UI over the next week. The extra risk parameters will come later when V3 is deployed. Ahead of V3 we will make an announcement that we will be pausing V2. If you care you will want to remove your coins at that time. Timing on this is probably a few weeks off. V3 will be a more or less final version of Phiat from a core functionality standpoint. Thereafter we will not maintain V2 as it’s not a good use of our time. Dev 2&3 are currently working on the website landing pages for all three sites. The goal will be to have them up for V3. We are watching the ETH merge like Richard and the rest of you. We will assess the situation in a months time when we estimate that our work with Phiat is essentially finished until v3 of pulsechain or some update is announced. The extra time we have been given be the delay of pulsechain has been very useful. It has allowed us to put in extra safety features that will be unique to our platform and will enable at least limited use of some tokens that could not be otherwise place on AAVE V2. It has allowed us time to work on improving liquidations, work in arb and flash loan bots as well. This is interesting to consider. The demo for phamous is done and live on testnet. We will bring it out when we think the timing is right. Phatty is taking a back seat for the moment as we allocate front end resources to Phiat and it’s website currently. Dev 1 feeling very confident that all is progressing well. What remains is cosmetic.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
08 Sep 2022, 17:58 telegram news 08 September 2022 17:58
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
06 Sep 2022, 06:42
Phiat engineering update: I had lunch with dev 1 today. He has completed extra risk parameters (those in excess of Aave v2 which we are adding to allow greater flexibility in the coins we support) last week and has been testing them. He will keep testing them this week. Once that is done he will write up those changes in the Ui and we will look to publish a V3 for us to play with. Timing on that is maybe a fortnight away but there is little urgency given pulsechains delay and the ETH merge. Dev 2 is working with designers on the website. I’ve seen screenshots which look quite nice. These are to be integrated into Phatty and phamous as well. So the plan should be to have a more or less final v3 with a new website towards the end of the month. Keep in mind software is hard as Richard says. We may delay for other strategic reasons as well if they make sense. (As we are doing currently with Phamous). As a contingency for Pulsechain delays we are exploring options on other chains. We will discuss those more with you once the V3 is up on testnet.
Phiat engineering update: I had lunch with dev 1 today.
Phiat engineering update: I had lunch with dev 1 today. He has completed extra risk parameters (those in excess of Aave v2 which we are adding to allow greater flexibility in the coins we support) last week and has been testing them. He will keep testing them this week. Once that is done he will write up those changes in the Ui and we will look to publish a V3 for us to play with. Timing on that is maybe a fortnight away but there is little urgency given pulsechains delay and the ETH merge. Dev 2 is working with designers on the website. I’ve seen screenshots which look quite nice. These are to be integrated into Phatty and phamous as well. So the plan should be to have a more or less final v3 with a new website towards the end of the month. Keep in mind software is hard as Richard says. We may delay for other strategic reasons as well if they make sense. (As we are doing currently with Phamous). As a contingency for Pulsechain delays we are exploring options on other chains. We will discuss those more with you once the V3 is up on testnet.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
20 Aug 2022, 17:45 telegram news 20 August 2022 17:45
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
17 Aug 2022, 03:45
Phiat Team Engineering Update - I just had some spicy noodle soup with a newly returned Dev 1. The snow was average in NZ which meant that he made a lot of progress while he was on vacation. His primary work has been around speeding up liquidations. He now has this down to around 2 seconds which is roughly as fast as it can get based on the limitations of Pulsechains blocks. He will now focus on the bespoke risk constraint settings designed to reduce the overall risk specific to each coin and particularly the effect of malevolent whales. Everything remains on track for Phiat.
Phiat Team Engineering Update - I just had some spicy noodle soup with a newly returned Dev 1.
Phiat Team Engineering Update - I just had some spicy noodle soup with a newly returned Dev 1. The snow was average in NZ which meant that he made a lot of progress while he was on vacation. His primary work has been around speeding up liquidations. He now has this down to around 2 seconds which is roughly as fast as it can get based on the limitations of Pulsechains blocks. He will now focus on the bespoke risk constraint settings designed to reduce the overall risk specific to each coin and particularly the effect of malevolent whales. Everything remains on track for Phiat.
Phiat.ioePhait #8611
11 Aug 2022, 22:34 telegram news 11 August 2022 22:34