At it's best (though certainly not always and not for everyone), the US has been a country that supported minority groups and ha

02 Sep 2023, 22:13
At it’s best (though certainly not always and not for everyone), the US has been a country that supported minority groups and has provided them a safe place to live and practice their customs and beliefs with Tolerance. It provided a place for all all sorts of oddballs and was wildly derided by European elites for hundreds of years This includes: the puritan pilgrims, the Quaker’s of PA, the Catholics of Maryland. The Mormons of Utah. The list goes on. The Hex community is an eclectic minority group that has been unfairly persecuted by all of crypto since day 1 largely because RH is misunderstood and our community is quite unique. With Pulsechain, we are building our own city on a hill as our forefathers did. This is bigger than RH. It’s about our shared values as a community. This should inspire crypto cypher punks not draw their ire.