Hi all I just had long call with the team. PHIAT - is moving along well.

17 Mar 2023, 12:26
Hi all I just had long call with the team. PHIAT - is moving along well. We have completed the audits (we merely need to say it’s good go on our end). From an engineering perspective Dev 1 does not really have anything to solve. So timing wise the main events will begin towards the end of this month barring any unforeseen issues. Do not ask for a date. I will mute anyone who does on sight. On the call, we discussed nuances of how we might run the issuance at length. The idea here is just to be as orderly safe as possible. In short, it will be a mint on Phatty. There will be a multistage process where we effectively lock the numbers on the block chain so we can all verify it and make sure the checker matches what’s on the blockchain. Then we push go and you can mint. You will have 365 days to mint ePHIAT if you fail to do this it will be absorbed by the treasury. So don’t forget to mint! Separate to the tech side of things we are working through a bunch of other things (EG taking additional legal advice which we will not discuss but you can be assured we have the best possible advice money can buy on how to run this and are comfortable). Besides that there are various other little things for us to consider. We have engaged a consultant to try and improve on a few things (just to see if they can). This doesn't prevent us from launching as it is things that can be implemented afterwards. One hurdle is a number of people trying to scam that we have to take seriously. We continue to make progress on Phatty as you’ve seen the latest updates. Our PHUX/Balancer fork is more or less complete. We need to do things like finalize the tokenomics and think about things specific to how we will it. On the Phamous front we have a dev working through various UI and subgraph things in order to not let that slow us down later. We will continue to update you as we progress. You will not get a snap launch so don’t even fucking begin to worry about that. We will telegraph things slowly and deliberately (as we are doing here). -Buck and PH Team