Phiat Engineering Update:. I caught up with Dev 1 today.

29 Sep 2022, 08:15
Phiat Engineering Update: I caught up with Dev 1 today. He’s been making a few more tweeks to UI to showcase the staking benefit of Phiat token and make it really a front and Center feature beyond the staking page. (I’m a fan of if this). We want to get people addicted to staking phiat. Adding in things like sea creatures etc. You will see this in a few days. I told him not to rush as these cosmetic changes are important to you guys. Separately, we noticed that Sifu has launched his own Aave fork on eth 2.0 which we believe helps provide a strategic POC for launching Phiat on main eth chain. We are not certain about this yet. We will monitor things and continue to work towards pulsechain as a priority however assuming Pulsechain launch date is protracted we will likely launch on Eth and using our new prop risk measures be able to onboard things like Hex and even Hedron at least in some limited capacity. Stables, and other major eth coins as well. Likely this would mean a new bonus token for Phiat saccers ePhiat. I will want to discuss this strategy with you all. I suggest we find a good time to have a voice chat. I reiterate nothing is certain on this yet but it appears to be the best direction for us to me if it is feasible from an engineering standpoint. But I’d like your thoughts. Regards BPH