Phiat engineering update: I had lunch again with Dev 1 today. He is done testing the extra risk parameters.

13 Sep 2022, 06:53
Phiat engineering update: I had lunch again with Dev 1 today. He is done testing the extra risk parameters. He is currently working through UI changes for extra risk parameters, staking, and removing various extraneous things pertinent to ethereum that do not exist yet for Pulsechain. He expects to embed staking into the V2 UI over the next week. The extra risk parameters will come later when V3 is deployed. Ahead of V3 we will make an announcement that we will be pausing V2. If you care you will want to remove your coins at that time. Timing on this is probably a few weeks off. V3 will be a more or less final version of Phiat from a core functionality standpoint. Thereafter we will not maintain V2 as it’s not a good use of our time. Dev 2&3 are currently working on the website landing pages for all three sites. The goal will be to have them up for V3. We are watching the ETH merge like Richard and the rest of you. We will assess the situation in a months time when we estimate that our work with Phiat is essentially finished until v3 of pulsechain or some update is announced. The extra time we have been given be the delay of pulsechain has been very useful. It has allowed us to put in extra safety features that will be unique to our platform and will enable at least limited use of some tokens that could not be otherwise place on AAVE V2. It has allowed us time to work on improving liquidations, work in arb and flash loan bots as well. This is interesting to consider. The demo for phamous is done and live on testnet. We will bring it out when we think the timing is right. Phatty is taking a back seat for the moment as we allocate front end resources to Phiat and it’s website currently. Dev 1 feeling very confident that all is progressing well. What remains is cosmetic.